About Penny Construction

Penny Construction has been remodeling and building for over 30 years. We have built New Homes, Remodeled Whole houses, Kitchen Remodels, Bath Remodels, built Additions, made Repairs, even Honey-do lists. We build because we are passionate about making it your home. We are sticklers for details, are picky, fussy, particular and our standards are extremely high. We like working with people who expect thoroughness, workmanship, attention to details; who expect us to be innovative, organized, problem solvers.

Building Inspections and What They Mean

There is a belief by the public that Building Inspectors are there to make sure that quality is built in.  Sorry, Wrong.  Building inspectors do not inspect for quality and/or workmanship, only for Code.  Code is the Minimum Requirement.  Code does not imply quality.  So when someone says, "It passed code!", what they really said was it passed as at least the minimum requirement.  It does not mean that anything is necessarily right, or done the best.  Quality, function or livability are not necessarily covered by code.  Inspectors and Code are focused more around health and safety.  Stairs have the legal tread and rise, handrails, smoke detectors, GFCIs in baths, kitchens and exterior.  When you are working out in the yard and trip the GFCI that is located in the powder room is to Code, but has nothing to do with function or livability.